


JZJS型罗茨水环真空机组 ,是以罗茨真空泵为主泵,以水环式真空泵为前级泵, 通过电接点真空表实现机组自动启闭,自动保护及整套机组的安全保护的真空获得设备。


由于水环式真空泵的极限真空远比油封机械泵低,所以用水环式真空泵作前级泵的罗茨水环机组的极限真空比用油封机械城泵作前级泵的罗茨机械泵机组的极限真空要低。本型号三级机组的极限真空25Pa , 二级机组的极限真空小于400Pa,但这样的真空度对于上述工业流程要求已经完全可以满足了。

JZJS Roots Water Ring vacuum Unit 1s a vacuum acqu1s1t1on equipment  with Roots vacuum Pump as the main  pump and Water Ring Vacuum Pump as the front pump. It realizesautomatic start -up  and  shut-down  of  the unit, automatic protection and  safety protection of the whole unit by means of electric contact vacuum meter.

In addition to some characteristics of genera l Roots vacuum pump units, the water ring vacuum pump is used as the front pump, so it is especially suitable for industrial processes that contain more water vapor and corrosive gases. For example, drying, dehydration, evaporation, distillation, crystallization and other processes.

Because the limit vacuum of water-ring vacuum pump is much lower than that of oil-seal mechanicl pump, the limit vacuum of Roots water-ring unit using water- ring vacuum pump as the front pump is lower than that of Roots mechanical pump unit using oil-seal mechanical pump as the front pump. The limit vacuum of this type of three-stage unit is 25Pa, and that of the second- stage unit is less than 400Pa. However, such a vacuum degree can fully meet the requirements of the above-mentioned industrial process.

