

干式螺杆真空泵是洹过泵腔内—对作等速反向旋转螺杆的皓合作用, 吸入并排出被抽气体而形成离真空, 其结构如右图所示。 螺杆真空泵的螺杆转子型线采用自主设计的专利型线, 由—对斜齿齿轮驱动, 以顺时针方向转动(从电机风扇端侧观察)。 在螺杆旋转时, 二个螺杆之间、 螺杆和泵体之间都保持—定的间隙且互不接触, 因而运转时泵腔内无摩擦,可以实现转子的离转速运转。 依靠转子间隙和泵腔间隙进行密封, 将被抽气体被螺杆转子平顺地压送到排气口, 并直接排出泵腔, 螺杆泵两端的轴封确保齿轮箱内的润滑油无法进入泵腔内部。 螺杆真空泵为卧式结构, 采用联轴器与电机直联。 TYLG100-TYLG220型号的螺杆泵电机采用端面法兰形式安装于螺杆泵前盖端面处, TYLG300及以上型号的电机则采用端面加底脚的形式, 与泵整体安装在同—机架上。 为了减少泵的排气噪声, 泵的排气口可配置消声器。

The dry screw vacuum pump forms a high vacuum by sucking and discharging the pumped gas through the meshing action of a pair of constant-speed and counter-rotating screws in the pump chamber. Its structure 1s shown in ther1ght figure.The screw 

rotorprofile of the screw vacuum pump adopts a self-designed patent profile, which 1s driven by a pair of helical gears and rotates in a clockwise direction (viewed from the end of the motor fan). When the screw rotates, a certain gap is ma1nta1ned 

between the two screws, and between the screw and the pump body and does not touch each otherTherefore, there 1s no frict1on 1n the pump cavity dur 1ng operat1on, and the high-speed operation of the rotorcan be real1zed.Relying on the rotorgap and the pump cavity gap for sealing, the pumped gas 1s smoothly pressed by the screw rotor to the exhaust port and directly discharged from the pump cavity. The shaft seals at both ends of the screw pump ensute that the lubricat1ng oil 1n the gearbox cannot enter the pump cavity .. The screw vacuum pump is a horizontal structu「e, which is directly connected to the mototbya

coupling. The TYLGl 00-TYLG220 screw pump motor is installed on the end face of the front cover of the screw pump in the form of an end face flange, while the motor of TYLG300 and above adopts the end face and foot form and 1s installed on the same 

frame as the pump. In orderto reduce the exhaust noise of the pump, the exhaust port of the pump can be equipped with a muffler. 


