

JZJLG系列真空机组,是以罗茨真空泵为主泵,螺杆真空泵为前级泵,渔过电接点真空表来实现罗茨真空泵,螺杆真空泵自动启停,自动保护真空系统的真空获得设备。广泛应用于电子行业。它除了具有般罗茨真空泵机组的特点外, 由于采用螺杆真空泵作为前级泵,不仅真空度离,还能提离真空清洁度,特别适合抽除遇油反应的气体和无压缩凝固性的气体。 是目前取代立式无油真空机组的最佳选择。

JZJLG series vacuum unit 1s based on Roots vacuum pump as the main pump. The Screw vacuum pump 1s the front stage pump. The Roots vacuum pump is realized by the electric contact vacuum table. The Screw vacuum pump automatically starts and stops, and 

the automatic protection vacuum system The vacuum gets the equipment. Widely used 1n electronics, vacuum coating, chemical fiber metallurgy, heat treatment, welding, chemical and otherindustries

In addition to the characterist1cs of the general Roots vacuum pump unit, 1t also improves the vacuum cleanliness by using the Screw vacuum pump as the foreline pump. It is especially suitable foremoving oils and non-compressed coagulating gases 

