

JZJP型罗茨水喷射真空机组是由罗茨泵(又称机械增压泵)为主泵(包括中间泵), 水喷射泵为前级泵组成。用全塑卧式水喷射真空机组作为前级泵, 可抽腐蚀性气体, —级罗泵极限真空可达150Pa, 二级罗茨泵极限真空可达25Pa,机组广泛应用于真空干燥, 真空蒸熘, 真空浓缩等。在冶金, 石油化工, 造纸, 食品。电子工业部门得到广泛的应用。可根据客户实际需要, 可以设计更多及成套机组, 以提离机组的抽气能力和真空度。

JZJP roots waterret vacuum system is composed of roots pump (also known as mechanical booster33pump) as main pump (including intermediate pump), and waterret pump is composed of front stagepump the plastic horizontal waterret vacuum un代is used as the front stage pump, which can pumpcorrosive gas丁he limit vacuum of the first stage roots pump can reach l SO PA, and the second stageroots pump can reach 25 Pa丁he un代is widely used in vacuum drying, vacuum distillation, vacuumconcentration, etc. It is widely used in metallurgy, petrochemical, papermaking, food and electronicindustries. According to the actual needs ofcustomers, more and complete sets of units can be designedto improve the pumping capacity and vacuum degree of the system.

